Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Boats – beautiful to keep, fun to travel!

We all know what boats are. They have been one of the earliest modes of transportation going back to 40,000 years. The earliest type of a boat known is the ‘log boat’, which we see even today. In present times, there are altogether different classifications of boats which come under the navy as well. In fact, the submarine is entitled to be a navy boat only. Generally, we classify boats into three categories. The first one is the unpowered or human powered boat. There include rafts, canoes, kayaks, gondolas etc. We see that such boats which were used in ancient times for travelling etc. as a matter of fact these boats are being used in present times as well by the people living near rivers, smalltime fishermen, farmers, villagers etc. Interestingly, these varieties of boats have become a part of hard core adventure sports. People from all over the world visit different places where the river current is high and take part in such adrenaline rushing activities.
The next category is the sailboat. These are simply moved by the flow of the wind. The controller sitting on the boat must however know how to use the wind power to float the boat in a particular direction. One can find a lot of florida boat repair.

The final category is of the ‘motorboats’ –which has engines, generator threads etc. - a recent phenomena which the advancement the technology. These boats come in a lot of varieties depending on the technicalities of the engine, size and configuration. Also, many of these boats are made up of aluminum because aluminum is known light, flexible in nature, and accelerates speed making it one of the best choices around. But since everything comes with its own drawbacks, so does aluminum, pitting, cracking and corrosion are the problems which come with it. To repair cracked parts of aluminum is a major problem, it is not easily available. But the repair is usually done without any hassle, using the casting techniques and more. Many a times, people like to get their own kits and repair their own boats. With experience or no experience (depending on the kit) it becomes easier to repair stuff overtime.
Maintenance of a boat is to be paid careful attention. Many people buy boats for their farms, use a traditional boat as a decorative item in the house and much more.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TIG Welding Aluminum

TIG welding (Tungsten Inert Gas) or Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) is frequently used for high quality, precision welding. In TIG welding, there is an arc that forms between the metal and the permanent non-melting tungsten electrode. Gas is fed through the torch, shielding the electrode and molten weld pool. If filler material is to be used, it is added separately to the weld pool.
Some of the benefits of TIG welding include superior quality welds, precise control of welding variables such as heat, freedom from splatter and low distortion. In addition, with TIG welding the process can be used at lower amperages for thinner metal and can be used on exotic metals. Some of the general drawbacks for TIG welding include the requirement for greater manual dexterity than other forms of welding, lower deposition rates and greater cost for welding thicker sections.
The commonly used power source for TIG welding is AC current. Direct current is sometimes used but due to high heat generation on the tungsten electrode and poor oxide cleaning its use is limited. Argon gas is most commonly used in TIG welding as the shielding gas. Just by changing the diameter of the tungsten electrode, welding may be performed within a wide range of heat input at different thicknesses, offering great flexibility in the process.
TIG welding can be used on many different types of metals, but is most commonly used with aluminum, especially with metals of a smaller thickness. Because of the popularity in automotive applications, TIG welding has become popular within the circles of professional racing teams along with being a favorite for auto enthusiasts and hobbyists as well. 

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